HWDMediaShare Web Hosting at HostUpon

HWDMediaShare is a powerful Joomla video gallery that allows you to display video media in an organized and manageable layout on the Internet.  It can handle the uploading, server-side processing and playback of large video media in all popular formats.

With HWDMediaShare you can share videos in Joomla as well as Upload & Convert videos using all the popular formats!  It is packed with useful features some of which are listed below:

Share Videos in Joomla
Upload & Convert Videos
Import Youtube Videos
RTMP & Pseudostreaming
Amazon S3 Remote Storage
And more…

We have teamed up with HWDMediaShare to design a web hosting plan meeting all of the  requirements including:


HostUpon is now your official HWDMediaShare web host provider!  We support the software on our shared hosting and VPS hosting plans.  With 2 shared hosting plan and 3 VPS hosting plans to choose from we are your official HWDMediaShare hosting provider.